AI in Manufacturing and Services

Experiences, opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence for companies and institutions in Poland and Switzerland

AI could turn out to be just as transformative and disruptive as the printing press or even the invention of writing. Companies and individuals that use it effectively may out-compete those who shun it.

The Polish-Swiss Innovation Day is an opportunity for experts, companies and policy-makers from both countries to learn from each other. Switzerland is a world leader in innovation, which attracted Google to build an R&D centre in Zurich in 2004 that remains its largest development centre outside of Silicon Valley. Poland has some of the world’s best programmers, many STEM graduates, and a growing presence of tech companies.

Register now and join the Polish-Swiss Innovation Day 2024 to learn how to use AI in manufacturing and services!



Dariusz Standerski, PhD

Secretary of State, Ministry of Digital Affairs

H.E. Fabrice Filliez

Ambassador of Switzerland to Poland

Michał Stępień

President of the Polish - Swiss Chamber of Commerce; UBS Group Country Head Poland

H.E. Benedikt Wechsler, PhD

Ambassador, Head of Division for Digitalisation State Secretariat, Bern

Natalia Baranowska

Data & Analytics Section Lead - Data Advisory & Insights, Roche

Adrian Foltyn

Senior Manager Data Science & Analytics, Nestlé Poland

Magda Kotlarczyk

Country Director, Google Poland

Mariusz Kotyś

AI & Data Competence Center Director, Billennium

Michał Kramarz

Head of Google for Startups, Central Europe

Dr. Marcin Kruczyk

AI & Data Director, Ringier Axel Springer Polska

Michał Kuszewski

Chief Specialist for Innovative Economy at the Economic Development Department, Warsaw City Hall

Prof. Dirk Mohr

Head of Institute of Virtual Manufacturing, ETH Zurich

Prof. Piotr Sankowski

University of Warsaw, Research Group Leader at IDEAS NCBR

Prof. Tomasz Trzciński

IDEAS NCBR Research Group Leader

Dr. Joost VandeVondele

Deputy Director for Science at the Swiss National Supercomputing Center (CSCS), ETH Zurich

Patrick Warnking

Vice President Central and Eastern Europe, Google

Przemysław Zakrzewski

Vicepresident, ABB E-Mobility Sp. z o.o.

Luca Laloli

Head of Economic, Financial and Scientific Affairs at the Embassy of Switzerland in Poland

Piotr Lesiak

Head, Swiss Business Hub Central Europe

Ulrich Schwendimann

Managing Director of the Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce



8:30 - 9:00

Welcome of the Host: Google for Startups Campus Warsaw


Michał Kramarz, Head of Google for Startups, Central Europe

Opening Remarks

9:05 - 9:15

H.E. Fabrice Filliez, Ambassador of Switzerland to Poland

Michał Stępień, President, Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce

Keynotes: Polish and Swiss Diplomacy – AI norms & tools

9:15 - 9:45

Dariusz Standerski, PhD, Secretary of State, Ministry of Digitalisation

H.E. Ambassador Benedikt Wechsler, PhD, Head of Division for Digitalisation, FDFA State Secretariat, Bern

Session I: Our Present and Future with AI

9:45 - 10:00

Patrick Warnking, Vice President Central and Eastern Europe, Google

Magda Kotlarczyk, Country Director Google Poland

Session II: Impact of AI on Computer Aided Engineering for Manufacturing

10:00 - 10:15

Prof. Dirk Mohr, Head of Institute of Virtual Manufacturing, ETH Zurich

Session III: Innovation and ethics: the role of local government in shaping the future of AI

10:15 - 10:30

Michał Kuszewski, Chief Specialist for Innovative Economy at the Economic Development Department, Warsaw City Hall

Coffee break


Session IV: Linking Research and Business to Create Europe’s Successful Niches in AI

11:15 -11:45

Prof. Piotr Sankowski, PhD and Prof. Tomasz Trzciński, PhD, Research Group Leaders at IDEAS NCBR

Dr. Joost VandeVondele, Deputy Director for Science, Swiss National Supercomputing Center (CSCS), Swiss AI Initiative

Panel Discussion: How Companies Approach AI


Przemysław Zakrzewski, Vicepresident, ABB E-Mobility Sp. z o.o.

Dr. Adrian Foltyn, Senior Manager Data Science & Analytics, Nestlé Poland

Natalia Baranowska, Data & Analytics Section Lead – Data Advisory & Insights, Roche

Dr. Marcin Kruczyk, AI & Data Director, Ringier Axel Springer Polska

Mariusz Kotyś, AI & Data Competence Center Director, Billennium S.A.

Moderator: Magda Kotlarczyk, Country Director Google Poland

Closing Remarks

12:45- 12:55

Ulrich Schwendimann, Director, Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce

Luca Laloli, Head of Economic, Financial and Scientific Affairs, Embassy of Switzerland in Poland

Networking Lunch

12:55 - 14:30


Google for Startups Campus Warsaw,
Plac Konesera 10, Warsaw

Tel. +48 22 322 76 25




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Participation is free of charge. The number of places is limited. Registration is on a first come first served basis.

* The fields are mandatory