

Regulations of the conference
„Polish – Swiss Innovation Day 2024”,
October 29, 2024.


§ 1 General information and definitions

  1. The organizers of the Conference are the Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce, Al. Niepodległości 18, 02-653 Warsaw, NIP: 526-23-22-109 and the Embassy of Switzerland in Poland, ​​al. Ujazdowskie 27, 00-540 Warsaw.
  2. Partners of the Conference are:
  1. Switzerland Global Enterprise, Stampfenbachstrasse 85, 8006 Zürich, Szwajcaria
  2. Swiss Business Hub Central Europe, Aleje Ujazdowskie 27, 00-540 Warszawa
  3. ABB, ul. Żegańska 1, 04-713 Warszawa
  4. Billennium, ul. Mangalia 2A, 02-758 Warszawa
  5. Google for Startups Campus Warsaw, Pl. Konesera 10, 03-736 Warszawa
  6. Nestle Polska S.A., ul. Domaniewska 32, 02-672 Warszawa
  7. Ringier Axel Springer Polska, Domaniewska 49, 02-672 Warszawa
  8. Roche Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 28, 02-672 Warszawa


  1. Organizer – an entity responsible for all organizational activities related to the Conference, collecting and processing personal data, image, voice and materials provided by Conference Participants and Speakers.
  2. Partners – entities supporting the Organizer in organizational activities, especially in promoting the Conference and in the substantive preparation of the content of the Conference, processing the personal data of Participants and Speakers, as well as the image and voice of the above, recorded in photos and recordings of the Conference, to the extent described in these Regulations .
  3. Conference – an event organized by the Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce and the Embassy of Switzerland in Poland, together with the Partners listed in point 2, to which the Participant or Speaker was invited.
  4.  Regulations – these Conference regulations.
  5. GDPR – Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC. Official Journal of the EU L. 2016 No. 119/1.
  6. System – digital application through which the conference is carried out, including: landing page and registration system.
  7. Participant – any person using the System to register for the Conference. An invited guest, a natural person who is 18 years of age and has full legal capacity, a legal person and organizational units without legal personality, but able to acquire rights and incur obligations on their own behalf, which have correctly registered for the Conference using the System.
  8. Speaker – Participant actively participating in the Conference, both in stationary and online form.

§ 2 General provisions

  1. The conference will be held on October 4, 2023, from 8:30 AM to 2:00 PM.
  2. The venue of the conference will be the Browary Warszawskie, ul. Grzybowska 60, 00-844 Warsaw.
  3. Participation in the Conference will only be possible after prior registration by the Participant using the registration form available at the link:, or, in the case of a Speaker, entering into the list of participants by the Organizer.
  4. Via the Registration Form and the System, the Participant’s data related to registration and participation in the Conference will be processed – collected and stored – by the Organizer and the Partners, such as: name, surname, organization name, e-mail address, telephone number, and in relation to the Speaker, additional data such as: academic title, position, voice, image and other data made available by the Speaker.
  5. The Conference participants agree that the Organizer and the Conference Partners will use the collected data during the course of the Conference, in order to organize the Conference, in particular to provide other Participants with their name and surname during the Conference.
  6. The substantive programme of the Conference is specified in the Conference Agenda, available at and at
  7. The provisions of the Regulations constitute an integral part of the application for participation in the Online Conference and apply to all Participants and Speakers. Registration for the event is tantamount to accepting the provisions of these Regulations.

§ 3 Conditions of participation

  1. The condition for participation in the Conference is a registration via the application form available at, or, in the case of a Speaker, entering into the list of participants by the Organizer.
  2. The Organizer reserves the right to change the Speakers or the program for reasons beyond their control.
  3. Participation in the Conference is free of charge.
  4. The number of places at the conference is limited. The order of applications decides on the reservation.
  5. If at the time of registration of the participant there are no more seats available, the participant will be informed about it by e-mail.
  6. The Organizer, by providing Participants with information disseminated via the System and other means of electronic communication, points out that the Speakers and Participants must respect intellectual property rights.
  7. Participants have the right to use all presented and provided materials solely for their own personal use. Modifying, copying, sending, public performance and any use of this content for commercial purposes requires the prior written consent of the Organizer or another authorized entity.
  8. Participants shall ensure that any use of copyrighted materials by them for the benefit of third parties, including their copying, transmission and public disclosure on the Internet, takes place with the consent of authorized entities. Participants are fully liable for any damage caused as a result of their behaviour contrary to the above reservation.
  9. By providing materials via the System and by e-mail, the Speakers and Participants agree to their use by the Organizer and Partners for information and promotional purposes of the event, as well as by other Speakers and Participants for their personal use. The organizer reserves the right to edit, copy and distribute these materials.

§ 4 Personal data and image

  1. The Organizer is the administrator of the personal data of Participants and Speakers.
  2. The Organizer reserves the right to transfer the personal data of Participants and Speakers, as well as recordings containing the image and voice of Participants and Speakers, to the Conference Partners listed in §1, for organizational and promotional purposes of the event, in particular for the purposes listed in § 4 point 3.
  1. Personal data of the Participant and the Speaker, provided during registration for the Conference and obtained during the conference, as well as the image of the above recorded during the conference, will be processed for the purpose of:
  2. a) organizing and conducting the Conference in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations, including in particular: creating a list of Participants, sending information on the conference agenda and other organizational information, ensuring the possibility of asking questions during the conference (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR);
  3. b) recording the course of the conference in the form of a recording, which may be associated with the recording of the image and voice of the conference participant (Article 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR),
  4. c) sending, via electronic means of communication, i.e. e-mail, information (including commercial information) regarding the products and services of the Organizer and Conference Partners, in particular presented during the Online Conference, as well as information about subsequent editions of the conference (Article 6 (1) (b) of . a GDPR);
  5. d) investigation and defense against possible claims (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR).
  6. The Speaker and Participant consent to the distribution of photos and recordings from the conference, containing their image and voice, for the purpose of promoting the event after its end, in particular for making the recordings available on the websites of the Organizer and Conference Partners and for sending the recordings to all Conference Participants.
  7. By registering, the Participant and the Speaker consent to the processing of personal data and the use of the image recorded during the conference for the purposes specified in point 3 and 4.
  8. Personal data of Participants and Speakers will be kept for the period in which we are obliged to keep the data for the purposes of control related to the organization of the event and for the period in which it will be possible to pursue possible claims and defend against them. In the case of data processed on the basis of consent, we will store them until you withdraw your consent to receive marketing information.
  9. Providing personal data is voluntary, but it is a condition of participation in the Conference in accordance with the formula in which it is organized. Conference participants have the right to access their personal data and the right to rectify, delete, limit processing, the right to transfer data, the right to object, the right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing, which was carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.
  10. All the above rights can be exercised by sending a written request by e-mail to the address
  11. The Participant and the Speaker have the right to lodge a complaint to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, if they consider that the processing of personal data concerning them violates the provisions of the GDPR.
  12. The personal data of the Participant and the Speaker will not be processed in an automated manner, nor will they be subject to profiling.
  13. The organizer takes all appropriate security measures in accordance with the law, as well as generally accepted principles to protect the confidentiality of information. Information, including personal data, is secured adequately to the level of risk they generate.§ 5 Intellectual Property Rights
  14. The Speaker declares that:
    1. Has intellectual property rights, including the right to make the content presented during the Conference available (hereinafter referred to as materials).
    2. The materials do not infringe anyone’s rights or are in conflict with the law and morality.
    3. Allows the Organizer to record and further distribute the materials according to recognition of the Organizer – in particular by free transfer of audio, video and photo files to conference participants.
    4. Undertakes not to disclose information about Participants, unless the Organizer allows it.
  15. Any different arrangements regarding the scope covered by the above paragraph must be agreed with the Organizer in writing.
  16. The above provisions also apply to the recording and dissemination of the image.

§ 6 Final Provisions

    1. The Organizer reserves the right to use the e-mail address provided during registration for the Conference in order to notify the Conference Participants, inter alia, about changes to the Conference program or its Regulations.
    2. The Conference Participant confirms in the System that he has read the Regulations and undertakes to apply them.
    3. During the Conference, the Participant is obliged to follow any order instructions from the Organizer.
    4. The Participant acknowledges that if the Organizer finds that the Participant violates the provisions of the Conference Regulations, the Organizer is entitled to refuse the Participant the right to participate in the Conference and request the Participant to leave the Conference room or block his access to the system himself, and thus limit the possibility of participation in the Conference.
    5. The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the Regulations.
    6. After the Organizer announces changes to the Regulations, each Participant who has registered for the Conference should immediately read the changes received at the e-mail address provided during registration.
    7. If the changes to the Regulations are not accepted, the Participant should notify the Organizer in writing of such decision by electronic means to the following address:
    8. The statement should reach the Organizer no later than 5 days from the entry into force of the amended Regulations.
    9. If the Organizer does not receive the Participant’s declaration of non-acceptance of the amendments to the Regulations within the above-mentioned period, it is assumed that the Participant has accepted the amended Regulations.
    10. The Organizer reserves the right – in the event of circumstances beyond his control – to cancel or change the date of the Conference.
    11. The Regulations come into force on August 24, 2024.
